5 Ways To Lower High Blood Pressure

Arooba Haqqani
3 min readJul 2, 2023


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High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, claimed 10.85 million lives worldwide in 2019 while topping the chart among all other fatal diseases. These figures alone should be sufficient for you to apprehend the detrimental nature of this silent killer.

While various medications are available to cure it, however, a slight change in your lifestyle could become a huge contributing factor in subsiding the risk of falling victim to high blood pressure.

In this article, we will explore these life-saving changes individually.

Walk And Exercise

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It is unanimously agreed that physical activities such as walking, sports, and exercise sustain your overall health. These recreational pastimes not only aid in regulating the blood pressure to a safer level, making your heart stronger, but also improving your mental health.

In fact, incorporating regular exercise or any aerobic activity for 30 minutes can be a cornerstone in attaining a healthy life.

Have Balanced Weight

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Obesity and high blood pressure have a close-knit relationship with each other. Research has claimed that obese and overweight people are more prone to have high blood pressure compared to those with balanced weight.

When a person carries excessive body fat, it increases pressure on the cardiovascular system, eventually making it harder for the heart to pump blood normally.

So, if you do not want to put extra pressure on your heart, a balanced and maintained weight is what you need.

Reduce Salt And Increase Potassium Consumption

The recommended daily consumption of salt is 2300 mg for a healthy person, while for a high blood pressure patient, the limit ends at 1500 mg intake per day. Try to avoid processed and packaged foods as they contain heavy amounts of sodium.

Potassium intake, on the other hand, is beneficial for hypertension patients as it helps in eliminating sodium from your body. Moreover, It also helps in relaxing the tension in the blood vessels.

Manage Stress

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Stress acts as fuel to the fire for a hypertension patient.

Chronic stress can adversely affect the heart rate and constrict your blood vessels. With hectic life chores, it might be impossible to evade stressors, yet, you can employ specific stress management techniques such as meditation, exercise, mindfulness, and deep breathing in your daily routine to mitigate its effects.

Healthy Diet

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Eat Less, but healthy.

Prioritizing a balanced and nutritious diet is vital for a healthy heart. Following DASH( Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), recommended by the American Health Association, is the best road to take to curb high blood pressure naturally.

You need to be mindful while choosing a healthy diet. It should include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and food enriched with calcium and potassium. Whereas, you should refrain from having heavy fats, proteins, and dairy food in your diet.

Bottom Line

These minor changes in your daily routine can have a profound impact on the health of your heart. As you are the sole guardian of your health, your choices will determine your heart’s life expectancy.

Your clean bill of health is only a decision away.



Arooba Haqqani

Pakistani/ Graduated in English Language and Literature/ Writes about the social issues and current affairs of the world, more often about Pakistan.