Laugh Out Loud: 7 Surprising Benefits of Laughter on Health

Arooba Haqqani
5 min readSep 13, 2023


Do you want to discover the secret of a cost-free, healthy, and vibrant life? You may have heard the saying “laughter is the best medicine” before, but have you ever considered it to be true? Scientists have conducted studies that prove the incredible benefits of laughter on the human body. Laughing can improve your immune system, relieve stress, and do wonders for your mental and physical health.

Health Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is a natural gift from Mother Nature. Even babies in the womb can laugh, highlighting the importance of laughter from the very beginning. Unfortunately, as we grow up and face life’s challenges and difficulties, we tend to forget about the power of laughter and that laughter is the best medicine to ease our minds and emotional pain. Let me share with you some of the benefits of laughter that will help you rediscover the joy of laughter.

Improves Organ Stimulation

Laughter is like a breath of fresh air for your body’s organs, literally. Your breathing pattern changes, which helps you to intake more oxygen.

This promotes your entire well-being by stimulating vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and muscles. Therefore, laugh out loud and keep your organs fit as a fiddle.

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Helps in Burning Calories

Good news for weight-conscious folks! A simple chuckle or burst of laughter can burn calories. It is like hitting two birds with one stone; you will burn some calories while living the joyful moment.

However, you cannot rely on this trick because it would only burn up to 40 calories in 10 to 15 minutes of laughter. Therefore, including any exercise or aerobic activity in your daily health regime is still important.

Improves Cardiac Health

Your laughing face can not only enhance your aura around people but also build up the atmosphere of your heart. Laughter is the one secret ingredient for a healthy heart. It helps boost the oxygen level in the bloodstream, maintaining blood pressure, and improving blood flow in the blood vessels.

It also reduces the stiffness around the arterial wall, which is one of the major causes of cardiovascular diseases. So watch some try not to laugh videos and let your heart smile from ear to ear.

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Energise T-Cells

Your immune system runs an army of defenders in your body. They protect it from harmful microbes, fight with them, and kill them to preserve your well-being. T-cells are important in the fight against harmful elements

Did you know you can activate these cells in the blink of an eye? A single burst of laughter acts as a catalyst; it activates the T-cells and boosts their energy and performance. So, next time you get the flu or fever, do not forget to add a laughing face as a medicine to your prescription.

Lowers Blood Pressure

The rising tide of hypertension and high blood pressure, particularly in adults, is no laughing matter; it’s a cause for concern. Here is a simple shortcut that can keep your blood pressure blues at bay.

People with a healthy dose of daily laughter can reduce their chances of having high blood pressure. So, pick up a comic book and let the benefits of laughter improve the bloodstream.

Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash

Lowers Stress Hormones

At any point in life, we all have experienced stress and anxiety; while giving a presentation, attempting an exam, or appearing for a job interview. However, we didn’t know that we could easily dissipate those stress hormones by laughing at a stupid joke. Laughter helps the body relax and releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

Laughter is the best way to regulate your stress hormones. When you laugh, you intake fresh oxygen, which helps stimulate the bloodstream and reduces stress hormones. Now you know what you need to do when you feel stressed, right? Whenever your heart starts pounding because of stress, immerse yourself in a humorous conversation.

Helps You to Live Longer

According to research, happy people tend to live longer and have a 35% lower risk of death. The myriad benefits of laughter collectively pave the way for a longer and healthier life. Do you still want another reason to excuse yourself from adding a conscious dose of laughter to your lifestyle and living a life full of chuckles?

Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Laughter can empower your body to fight on multiple fronts. Your laughter becomes your body’s armor. In today’s world, where everything moves so fast, it can be difficult to find time for humor.

But if a good laugh with friends can do so much for your health, do not forget that luxury. Just try it, and you will notice a marked improvement in your psychological, emotional, and physical well-being.



Arooba Haqqani

Pakistani/ Graduated in English Language and Literature/ Writes about the social issues and current affairs of the world, more often about Pakistan.