Unlock the Use of Automation in Healthcare Marketing

Arooba Haqqani
5 min readSep 17, 2023


Are you struggling to find a way to keep connected to your patients because of your tight schedule? Well, healthcare marketing is a sure way to land your profile to potential patients, retain them, increase revenue, and improve outcomes.

Yet, managing the laborious health profession and a healthcare marketing strategy at the same time is like juggling multiple balls. Those healthcare professionals or institutes that do not benefit from healthcare marketing lag behind in the growth race.

With all the technological advancements, automation has come to your rescue. It can help you simplify your healthcare marketing plan and save time and effort. According to research, the automation marketing industry’s annual budget will surpass a staggering 13.7 billion dollars in 2023. These stats are ample to emphasize the significance of automated marketing in the present and the times ahead.

In this article, you will learn all the details about automated healthcare techniques that will help in maintaining the marketing process while enhancing the growth of your healthcare services.

What is Automated Healthcare Marketing?

Before diving into the techniques, let us first understand the concept of automated marketing in the healthcare department. Automation in healthcare marketing is the use of technology-powered campaigns and strategies to uplift engagement with your previous, current, and prospective patients.

Automation in healthcare has brought ease and convenience not just for your patients but also for you. You can hit the bullseye by delivering personalized messages, appointment reminders, nurturing leads, and various aspects of communication to your targeted patients.

Furthermore, it enables you to design healthcare marketing plans for different patients, as they say, ‘different stocks for different people’, and create predetermined responses.

Let us dive into the details of how you can utilize this advancement to enhance your profile and upgrade your patients’ experiences.

Streamline the Patient’s Appointment Scheduling

In our hectic routine, everyone seeks convenience and simplicity, and your patients are no exception. Also, It is natural for every doctor to want to draw more patients to their services. Therefore, the process of booking and scheduling appointments must be smooth and uncomplicated for them.

You can easily meet these expectations and improve patient satisfaction by implementing automation in your healthcare marketing strategy.

The most effective strategy you can employ is to add a “Request an Appointment” link to every page of your website. This simple addition enables your patients to easily schedule appointments at their convenience.

Furthermore, including a calendar feature enables your patients to choose their preferred dates and times, an additional feature to their convenience.

Utilize the Patient Referrals for Promotions

We cannot negate the importance of word-of-mouth in every profession, and in healthcare, it has even greater significance. It comes naturally to people that they are more likely to trust a healthcare provider if they receive a referral from a friend or family member.

You sure have many regular patients, however, it is difficult to request your patients for a referral manually. You can utilize healthcare marketing automation to facilitate the patient referral process and amplify its impact.

Just set up a simple referral form on your website, and then your satisfied patients can refer their friends, family members, and colleagues to your practice. This form should include fields for names, phone numbers, and email addresses so your patients can easily provide the information they need.

You can also enhance the process of patient referrals by practicing the use of referral management software. This software automates the process by sending automated surveys to patients immediately after their visit.

These surveys not only provide the people with valuable insights and ratings but also offer the opportunity to solicit referrals from your satisfied patients.

Appointment Reminders

Do you want to make a lasting impression on your patients? Sending them a reminder about their appointments will increase their trust in you. This addition to your healthcare marketing strategy will also indicate your commitment to your job and thorough professionalism. However, manual reminders can be both costly and time-consuming.

Fortunately, healthcare marketing automation has simplified the process which can save staff time and streamline the process. By utilizing automated text messages and emails you can significantly reduce the probability of patients missing the appointments.

Moreover, your patients also benefit from receiving reminders in their preferred communication channels.

Automation even allows you to send personalized reminders which increase patient engagement and ultimately upgrade healthcare outcomes.

Manage Online Reputation and Feedback

For a healthcare professional, establishing a portfolio with a good reputation is the utmost dream. In today’s digital age, patient feedback on different review sites plays a significant part in shaping your reputation. If you want to stand out in this competitive healthcare profession you have to be responsive to your patients’ feedback and build engagement with them.

Now, with the help of automated responses, you can instantly respond to your patient’s feedback and comments.

When potential patients see that you’re responsive to feedback and genuinely invested in your patients’ experiences, they’re more likely to choose your services over others.

Final Verdict

The influence of automated marketing has brought revolution in the healthcare industry. Yet, some healthcare professionals are reluctant to leverage automation in their healthcare marketing plans, perhaps due to the fear of the unknown.

It is time to get out of your comfort zone, keep up with the times, and use the automation force to bring advancement in your healthcare organization operations.



Arooba Haqqani

Pakistani/ Graduated in English Language and Literature/ Writes about the social issues and current affairs of the world, more often about Pakistan.